A Century of Civil Engineering In Michigan
On the 25th day of February 1919, three men embarked on a daring or perhaps a calculated business venture – Wolverine Engineering Co. Edward J Doane, Walter Zimmer, and Arthur Zickgraf founded Wolverine Engineering Company for the following purposes:
“…To engage in a general civil engineering practice (sic) and in the construction of concrete and steel bridges, pavements, sewers, drains, buildings and dams.” (as excerpted from Article II of the Articles of Association of Wolverine Engineering Company, February 26, 1919)
Mason, Michigan is our home
Wolverine Engineering Company set down the company roots in the City of Mason in 1919 and those roots allowed our company to thrive 100 years later.
Through the years, the Wolverine staff has worked from many different street addresses but Mason, Michigan has always been home.

Early on, Wolverine split it’s time between civil engineering and concrete products. Wolverine operated a concrete plant that cast concrete septic tanks, parking stops, and burial vaults among other products. Wolverine also constructed many local concrete bridges including the Okemos Road Bridge over the Red Cedar River.
In 1969, Wolverine Concrete Products separated from Wolverine Engineering Co. and in 1979, we moved to our current location in Mason. In 1980, Wolverine Engineers and Surveyors, Inc. was incorporated in the State of Michigan.
Many things change in 100 years, but what hasn’t changed is Wolverine’s loyalty and dedication of its employees, many of whom spent their entire working careers with Wolverine. It is because of these hundreds of dedicated current and former employees working long hours and providing quality service, that Wolverine Engineers & Surveyors, Inc. is moving into its second century of existence. We not only celebrate 100 years of service, but we also celebrate ALL the members of our corporate family.
Those of us currently employed at Wolverine are merely the stewards of the corporation founded by the people of 1919. On behalf of all the men and women, past, present and future, we thank you, our clients for celebrating our first 100 years of service. We look forward to working with and for you for another 100 years!
Donald B. Heck, PE
Wolverine Engineers and Surveyors, Inc.